Shopping for dope kicks (and other stuff) made more wallet-friendly

Do you want to buy hype streetwear, sneakers, and other interesting items for lower-than-usual prices? Sometimes, you just have to be internet smart to find really great deals.

Case in point? A browse through Instagram can let you score great deals–like when Carlo managed to get the Air Jordan 1 “Not for Resale” for lower than usual market prices. Now is a good time to purchase hype sneakers, as most resellers are selling pairs at discounted prices.

Another “secret” for getting hype items? Be a VIP by spending X amount on a particular store (ie. Louis Vuitton and OFF-WHITE). Once you are on their VIP list, you get notified of special orders in the process.

Want something more practical for shopping online AND waiting for those items to go on sale? There’s this app called Shoptagr–an online personal shopping assistant that informs you if your desired item is on sale or out of stock. In addition, Shoptagr also searches for coupon codes so that you can get the best deal for your desired item. Ain’t that fun?

Check out the different ways you can store killer deals in the video feature below:

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